Speedwell of Rhu Ship's Log

5 th to 6 th of June 2011 - We're on our way

Crew : Helen and Andy
Destinations : Loch Aline.
Distance : 28 miles

We had a another leisurely start. We prepared the sails and weighed anchor by 1pm, just as the rain started. The forecast was for Force 3/4s and occasionally rain. However, after an attempt at sailing, the wind died down completely and the rain started with a vengeance, so we motored north. There was quite an icy feel to the rain as we headed through the Sound of Luing.

Mull in the Mist
With favourable tides, we headed up the Sound of Mull in the murk and made fairly good time to Loch Aline, finding a good spot to anchor, nicely sheltered from any wind. The rain gradually became heavier so we battened down the hatches, poured a wee dram and watched the first episode of The League of Gentleman.

Andy relaxing in the saloon
The rain had more or less stopped by the morning. We started the day with a blocked pipe in the aft heads, this then lead to a broken pump. The positive side to this is that we now know how to unblock a pipe and completely dimantle the pump. We swapped the pump with the one in the forward heads (at least Andy did with my supervision) and amazingly it all went back together again and worked. The pipes are all pretty furred up with limescale so new pipes are on our winter job list. After lunch we rowed ashore and walked around Loch Aline to the village shop. 8 miles for some milk! Anyway it didn't seem that far as the weather was lovely and there was lots to see. There was also a cup of tea in the cafe.

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